Month: May 2017
NEWS: Membership Early Bird Rate ends soon
A reminder from our membership secretary to our current members… MEMBERSHIP FEES: A late payment fee of £10 will be added automatically to all SENIOR, JUNIOR and SECOND CLAIM accounts from 1st June (this Thursday). Embrace your fiscal savvy and claim the early bird discount! For more info see our membership information page Current members […]
RACE: Junior / Senior 3k Run, 6:30pm 6 June 2017
After its successful reintroduction to our events calendar last year, the Junior/Senior 3k is back for 2017! The fun event is designed for all abilities with friends and family of Garscube Harriers warmly invited to join in! Teams will be a mixture of seniors and juniors with a mixed ability so there is the option […]
RESULTS: Summer League Event #6 – Shettleston 10k, 28 May 2017
The 6th event of our Summer League was the Babcock Series Shettleston 10k (actually at Glasgow Green…) This is a new race to the scene and is fast & flat with a change from the mid week evening races in the rest of the Babcock Series . We had 20 Harriers racing and secured a wee haul of […]
RESULTS: Race Round Up 26-28 May 2017
The sun shone this weekend which made excellent conditions for supporting but challenged many of the runners, especially those competing at longer distances. We’re just not used to such lovely weather! Whilst lots of our athletes were taking part in the Shettleston 10k as part of our Summer League (covered elsewhere), there was also racing elsewhere from 3k to […]
RESULTS: Race Round Up 20-21 May 2017
There are so many races at this time of year, it’s sometimes difficult to choose what to enter, let alone keep up with where everyone is competing! This week our runners met with trails, hills, sunshine and rain …not forgetting the mentally tough laps at the end of the Stirling Marathon! It was victory for Stephen Porteous at […]
RESULTS: Summer League Event #5 – DAAA 5k Track Championships, 23 May 2017
Tuesday 23rd May saw the DAAA 5k Track Championship which also doubled as Garscube Harrier’s Club 5k Champs. It was almost a completely Garscube affair with only 7 athletes from other clubs competing and we came away with a stack of prizes, including a clean sweep in the men’s race. Katie White and Garry Mathew won […]
JUNIORS: No training Thursday 26 May 2017
There will be no junior training on Thursday 26th May due to a coaching meeting. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
NEWS: Summer League Updated
Our Summer League Standings are now up to date including results from the first four races and updated to reflect rescheduled fixtures. Mary Senior and Finlay Finlay currently sit top, but there’s still all to play for! Next up – Shettleston 10k and Club 5k Track Champs. You can find more information under the Senior’s League page. […]
NEWS: Updated Senior Training Schedule Now Online!
Changes to the racing schedule has meant we’ve had to update our training schedule for the seniors. It’s now available online and in our calendar. Importantly, please note the change to the 5K Champs which will be held alongside DAA 5K Championships on 23rd May. Kirkie 10K has been moved to 22nd June and as such […]
RESULTS: Juniors West District Track & Field 12-13 May 2017
The big news of the Junior West District Champs was Cody Stevenson claiming a Silver medal in the 800m only a week after claiming one in the Hill Champs – an excellent start to his new age group in the U20s. The weekend saw various age groups don the Garscube vest, with some really good runs […]
RESULTS: Race Round Up 10-14 May 2017
As well as our League event, Dumbarton 10k, we also had representation in the hills, on the roads and mixed terrain at Whangie Whizz Hill Race, Monklands Half, Glasgow’s Toughest Run, and Broughton Heights Hill Race. Delighted to hear that our Club President, Jill O’Neil finished 5th Female, and claimed a Silver medal in the […]
RESULTS: Summer League Event #4 Dumbarton 10k, 11 May 2017
The Summer League is now in full swing with the 4th event and 2nd of the Babcock 10k Series – Dumbarton 10k on 11th May. This popular event is a fast, flat course, with lots of PB potential and this year it doubled as our Club 10k Championships. 28 Harriers raced on the day, with […]
RESULTS: Race Round Up 3-7 May 2017
It’s been a busy week and as well as Helensburgh 10k, Wednesday evening saw racing at the popular Troon Tortoises 10k and at Dumyat Hill Race. We were delighted to see Paddy Gibbons smash his PB at Troon Tortoises 10k, his hard training over winter having paid off. Fast forward to the weekend, and it was time […]
RESULTS: Summer League Event #3 Helensburgh 10k, 3 May 2017
The 10k season is here and it kicked off mid-week, with Helensburgh 10k – part of the Babcock 10k Series and our 3rd Summer League fixture. We came away with 2nd place Ladies team (Mary, Alison & Nighean – Nighean’s first race in a Garscube vest and she picks up a PB and a prize […]
SOCIAL EVENT: West Highland Way Relay – Saturday 3rd June
The annual West Highland Way Relay will be held on Saturday 3rd June. We split ourselves into relay teams and run the West Highland Way route, starting at 7am in Milngavie and finishing around 5pm in Fort William. Each participant can select a section that suits them best i.e. early morning / afternoon / close to home, hilly / flat, […]